Mordeduras de animales

Publicado por Unknown , sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014 4:05

Una mordedura de un animal puede ocasionar hematomas o heridas. En este caso, existe una mayor probabilidad de infección. La saliva de los animales puede transmitir varias enfermedades, incluso la rabia, que es potencialmente mortal.

Cómo prevenirlas

No acercarse, provocar ni molestar a mascotas desnconidas o extraviadas ni a animales salvajes.

Qué hacer

Hay que avisar inmediatamente a un médico. Si el animal actúa de manera extraña o ataca sin provocación, es probable que tenga la rabia. En este caso, no se debe perder de vista al animal e informar a las autoridades de su localización, para que éstas lo capturen.


Publicado por Unknown , 4:03

If there is anything that identifies the Camino de Santiago and makes it unlike any other route it is the hiker's world of exclusive network of shelters for pilgrims. This is a legacy of that tradition of hospitality which allowed medieval travelers to get around the world.  Only those pilgrims on foot, bicycle or horse who hold the credential of a pilgrim (a kind of passport issued by churches, associations and even their own shelters) allowing them to sleep in these shelters.  Authenticated by the owners of the shelter they avoid being overun by sneak vacationers in search of cheaper accommodation.

But even here the road has changed. The shelters started off being managed by the Church, municipalities and associations of Friends of the Way and were mainly 'donativo.   But there are very few donativo left shelters and some pilgrims even take advantage of the donation box (and leave nothing for its upkeep).
Like the sign put up by a priest (in Grañon) which says "Pilgrim, give what you can, take what you need" - these are now just a nostalgic memory. Typically, shelters now vask for a fixed price (three to five euros) except a few honorable cases, such as shelters run by the Federation of Friends of the Camino de Santiago, who remain faithful to the donation system.

Private shelters
Given the massive influx of pilgrims and the shortage of places in these public shelters a new class of establishment has emerged - the private hostel. They are pseudo-shelters with services for the walker, gradually being regulated by law, which offer accommodation in bunk beds, heating, hot water and various services at a fixed price, which typically ranges between seven and ten euros. Most offer the same spirit of welcome to the piglrims, in areas where there was none before, and are good value for money. An example of a good private hostel in The camino could be "La pata de oca" in Torres del Río.

Camino de Santiago Links

Publicado por Unknown , 3:56

El Camino Santiago Peregrina

a - Camino de Santiago Group
A recommended Camino listserv (Spanish) - ElCaminoSantiago Group
A recommended Camino listserv (English) - Pilgrim Forum
Good forum for Camino Q&A (English) - The Confraternity of Saint James
Excellent resources for the Caminos to Santiago (English) - Irish Friends of Saint James
The Irish Society of the Friends of Saint James (English)
American Pilgrims on the Camino (English)

To be a Pilgrim

Publicado por Unknown , 3:54

What does it take to become a pilgrim? Do you need documentation in order to be classed as a “pilgrim”?
The word Pilgrim comes from the Latin words per (meaning "through") plus ager(meaning "land, field"), which were combined into the adjective pereger, used to describe a person traveling abroad. Eventually, this developed into peregrinus, meaning "a foreigner."

Appropriately enough, the word peregrinus traveled far and wide (from Latin into Old French, then Middle English, and eventually modern English). From the very earliest days of Christianity, it was customary for Christians to journey to places of religious significance. A person making such a pilgrimage was also known as a peregrinus, which in Late Latin became peligrinus. In Old French, the word became peligrin, which was borrowed into English around 1200 as pelegrim orpilegrim, becoming pilgrim in modern English.
So, the answer is no, you do not need any documentation in order to “be a Pilgrim”, all you need is a religious place of significance and mode of transportation. Driving to church on Sunday is a pilgrimage in it’s own right.
But what does it take to be recognised as a pilgrim? Well, on the modern-day Camino de Santiago, pilgrims have a wonderful array of items which all shout “I’m a pilgrim”. These range from the traditional scallop shell, a Pilgrims Passport filled with stamps, a wide-brim hat, a backpack, a walking pole, hiking boots, tanned/sunburned forearms & backs of legs, a blister, or a Compostela! These are all things that you will recognise when encountering a pilgrim on the road to Santiago de Compostela.


Publicado por Unknown , 3:47

My heart is broken for all the Peregrinos killed or hurt in the tragic train accident in Spain.  It is devastating to hear that Peregrinos, traveling to the Feast of St James in Santiago de Compostela, were involved in this accident. I have made so many friends, pilgrims who are there now, walking the Camino this summer. I pray they are all safe. Sending love and light to all. The journey does not end here. Buen Camino, Peregrinos.


Publicado por Unknown , 3:46

Camino Santiago Video Oloron-Sainte-Marie

Camino Santiago Video Aulnay de Saintonge

Camino Santiago Video Moissac

Camino Santiago Video Undués de Lerda

Camino Santiago Video Santo Domingo de Silos

Quemaduras en la piel

Publicado por Unknown , 3:45

Color o enrojecimiento de la piel, escozor e inflamación por la exposición a la luz del sol.

Cómo prevenirlas

Utilizar una vestimenta adecuada y cremas solares del máximo factor de protección ( FPS 60 ), dado que la media de exposición solar durante la marcha es de 3 ó 4 horas diarias. Es importante aplicar la crema solar al menos 20 minutos antes de la exposición al sol y repetir las aplicaciones cada cierto tiempo, dependiendo del factor de protección elegido. Es aconsejable que la crema de protección solar sea resistente al sudor.

Qué hacer

Una toalla limpia, húmeda y fría reduce el dolor del área afectada. Se debe cubrir la quemadura con un vendaje estéril y se debe proteger de presiones o fricciones.

Peregrinos ilustres

Publicado por Unknown , 3:43

Santo Domingo de la Calzada
Natural de Viloria de Rioja (prov. de Burgos), donde se dice que nació hacia el año 1019, primero fue eremita y luego sacerdote consagrado por San Gregorio, obispo de Ostia (Italia). Juntos levantaron un puente de madera sobre el río Oja para los peregrinos que iban o venían de Santiago.

Peregrinos ilustres

Publicado por Unknown , jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014 3:29

Fernando Quiroga Palacios
Fue Cardenal-Arzobispo de Santiago de Compostela entre 1952 y 1971. En 1949 fue designado Arzobispo de Santiago de Compostela donde, en 1952, fue elevado a la sagrada púrpura como Cardenal-Presbítero con el "título" de San Agustín.


Publicado por Unknown , 3:27

The most important yellow arrow when you are walking and hoping for a place to get some coffee, to sit down and relax a while before pushing on to the next inn.


Publicado por Unknown , 3:25

Antes de dormir recomiendo tomar una pastilla de aspirina para aliviar los dolores musculares. Además también deberemos preparar el material para tenerlo todo a mano al levantarse por la mañana:
  • Las chanclas
  • La bolsa de aseo
  • La crema solar, para el dolor muscular y la vaselina para los pies
  • Dejar fuera la ropa que se usará a la mañana siguiente
  • Airear las botas. Es bueno introducir en ellas papel de periódico para absorber la humedad

Camino: Guidebooks

Publicado por Unknown , 3:21

 The Way of Saint James: The Pyrenees to Santiago
by Alison Raju (Paperback)

 The Way of Saint James: Via de la Plata, Sevilla to Santiago
by Alison Raju (Paperback)

 A Practical Guide for Pilgrims: The Road to Santiago
by Millán Bravo Lozano (Paperback)

 Guía Práctica del Peregrino: El Camino de Santiago
by Millán Bravo Lozano (Paperback)

 Spanien: Jakobsweg Camino Frances - Der Weg ist das Ziel
by Michael Kasper & Michael Moll (Paperback)

El Camino Santiago or the Way of St James

Publicado por Unknown , 3:17

A trail has finally broken me. I've met a trail that I just can't hack. It's El Camino Santiago.
I'm pretty tough mentally. I smile during mountaineering moments when most people cry. I've hiked nearly 15,000 miles (24,000 km) in the last decade, having a blast under nearly all conditions. I've never even though about quitting a trail. Until now.
Walking from Pamplona to Burgos is murderously dull, yet most say it is much more scenic than Burgos to Leon. That's when I considered quiting.
It also made me admire all the pilgrims who are not only able to walk the whole trail, but to also do it with a smile on their faces! I am clearly not tough enough!
But I won't quit. Fortunately, I have a solution that will keep me from giving up completely.

Where is El Camino Santiago?

The name El Camino Santiago is deceptive. Its most popular translated names (the Way of St. James or Le Chemin St. Jacques) are also misleading. These names imply that there is one trail, one way, one path to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, ANY way to Santiago de Compostela is a Camino Santiago. All roads may lead to Rome, but all caminos lead to Santiago de Compostela.
If you zoom into the map of Europe on the right, you may notice that one trail is a bit thicker than the rest. This is the famous Camino Frances, or the French Trail. It is the most popular way to Santiago de Compostela. However, the key takeaway from the map is that there are many caminos. 
In short, El Camino Santiago is the ultimate hike your own hike trail.